The Mouse in the House: Received from Taiwan

2015-12-24 07.31.24

The padded envelope from Nantou, Taiwan was a little puzzling to me; I mean, I assumed it was sent to me via Postcrossing–but when this little mouse emerged, I remembered that I was expecting a little something!  A fellow Postcrosser had posted on that site’s forum, looking for people interested in “hosting” a toy of hers for a time.  The mouse will hang out with me for a while, I will take it here & there and take some photos, and then will send it back home.  First shot up above: the toy found another mouse in my holiday tree!

Below, you see the envelope that brought my visitor, and a really cool postcard.  No, that is not a real vegetable: it is the Jadeite Cabbage, which can be seen in person in Taipei’s National Palace Museum.

You’ll be seeing more of the mouse!
