Catch-Up Edition: Received from Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, The Philippines, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, South Korea, & the U.S.

It’s kind of false to call this a catch-up edition, because at this point, I don’t think I’ll ever be caught up. I thought this would be a good way to keep track of my postcards, but who has time? Anyhow, after a very long absence, here we go with SOME of the cards I’ve received over the last few months since my last post.

Could there be any postcard more wonderful than this Grandma Duck card that found its way to me from Lelystad, Netherlands?


I also love this postcard from Qingdao, China!

More Doraemon! This one from Poland.

from a friend in the U.S…

loka made postcards 698

from Germany…


Also from Germany:

…and again.


…and again, again. This one below is from a guy who describes himself as a 30-year-old enthusiastic tobacco pipe smoker.


Received from Colorado, U.S.A. I had no idea Ikea sold postcards, did you? I don’t even know where I would start to look for them. The second I go in, the only thing I’m really looking for is the exit…

Here comes something tasty from Korea. The sender says, “nakjibogguem is a stir-fried octopus. It is made with chopped octopus and vegetables. Then make a marinade with red pepper sauce, soy sauce, garlic, salt, and sugar. Mix, marinade them and fry everything. It is pretty delicious with spicy taste. Hope you like it!”

I love this tasty dish of Chairman Mao’s Red Braised Pork from Shanghai, China:

From Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China:

Here’s a dish of food (“pyshenka with butter and piroshki (patty)) from Russia, and I it was dated 2015, about 4 years and 1 month before I received it. It turn out that the sender just apparently had the mid-20-teens on his mind: it was issued and mailed less than a month ago.

More Russian bread:

Received from Shanghai, China:

Received from China–must have been a Postcard Uniting meetup–lots of signatures!

From Hangzhou, China:

From South Korea:

From Shantou, China:

From Finland:


From Belarus:


More pink edibles from Belarus:


Something sweet from Russia:

From Poland:



From the Philippines:

This one from Russia kinda freaks me out…
…if you think it’s not freaky yet, pair it with the message scrawled on the back:

Why are you so prickly, Hedgehog?
–That’s me just in case. You know who my neighbors are? Foxes, wolves, bears.
Happy Postcrossing!

E E E K !