Received from: Canada, Finland & Germany

A nice trio, all from swap-bot trades:


Starting with the upper right card, which I love:

From Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, this correspondent tells me:

“I… laughed when I read about your toys on the beach… I put this dino in my balcony garden (made postcards of the shot) and wrote people about ‘how bad the garden pests were this year.’  Too much fun!”

This card brightened my mailbox so much.  It is, I think, the 2nd user-created toy postcard I’ve received since beginning my Postcrossing/swap-bot adventure, and I hope to see many, many more!

The card with the gorgeous lions comes from Garbsen, Germany, a town in the district of Hanover.  What an amazing shot!   I am long overdue to visit my local zoos–and now, to pick up some postcards while I am there.

The last of the trio comes from Rovaniemi, Finland, where the sender tells me the middle bridge on this card translates as “Lumberjack Candle,” and is her favorite sight to show tourists & visiting friends.

Cool stamps on all 3 cards:


I especially love those li’l foxes!