Food, dining room, a potential diner: Received from Canada, Germany, and the United States


I do love Golden Curry; I’ve purchased the blocks many times to cook with veggies for a delicious Japanese-style curry over rice.  That panel of a curry block box came to me, through a Postcrossing Forum “food package tag,” from Honolulu, Hawaii.  This Postcrosser, who is originally from Japan, writes, “unlike exotic Thai curry and India curry, Japanese curry is very mild and ‘easy’ to your taste and stomach!  LOL  I occasionally have a craving for Thai green curry with sticky rice.  Yummy!”

The other two cards came my way through traditional Postcrossing draws.

That dark restaurant interior was sent to me from Giengen an der Brenz, Germany (home to the Steiff teddy bear company), and the sender has made a broad interpretation of me, indeed:

“…you say you love to EAT, so this must be a very tempting postcard for you!! It shows a restaurant in an old, former coaching inn, in the very south of Germany, near the mountains…enjoy your meal!!!”

In attempting to find photos of the food a restaurant that looks like this might serve, what I found was this very interesting statement on someone’s blog:

You know what is awesome? The gas station food in Central Europe! It’s easy to find good quality food on travel days.

That refined walrus came my way from Surrey, B.C., Canada, and when I flipped the card over, I saw the Ikea logo!  I had no idea such things could be found there.  The sender writes about the weather, talking about how uncomfortable she is in the heat wave they are having.  She noted that the temperature at the time was 27C, so I looked that up (we have to do that here in the U.S., most of us), and it translates to 80.6F, which would be a very cozy summer day here in my part of the San Francisco Bay Area, cooler than most days I’ve encountered lately.  I researched Surrey’s winter weather, and basically discovered I would prefer to visit in the summer heat waves.

